A beautiful painting of Dagaz, the rune of clarity, depicted through symbols of the goddess Vor, the deer, and the spruce tree. This is an original artwork made with oil paint and gessoed hardboard by artist Faina Lorah.

Oil on wood 8"x10"
Complimentary black frame
Hardware installed, ready to hang

About Dagaz

Dagaz, the rune of light and day, symbolizes clarity and higher understanding, particularly during midday and midsummer when light is at its peak. It signifies awakening and the merging of opposites, such as life and death, darkness and light, into a harmonious balance. As the seeress of Frigga's court, the goddess Vor supports diviners in seeking clarity about the future. She symbolizes divinatory tools and psychic abilities such as clairvoyance and precognition. Her profound knowledge and intuition make her vigilant and observant, embodying women's intuition celebrated in Norse culture.

Deer symbolize renewal and balance. They embody qualities of grace, gentleness, and intuition, reflecting a harmonious connection with nature. The stag Eikthyrnir, residing on Valhalla's roof, represents fertility and growth, nourished by the well of Urd’s water. This symbolism underscores the cycle of life, where renewal and balance are essential elements for sustaining existence.

Similarly, spruce was a vital resource for Vikings, who brewed it as beer to sustain them on voyages and prevent scurvy, symbolizing renewal and vitality. Additionally, the use of refined spruce resin in traditional medicine reflects a long-standing pursuit of breakthrough remedies for ailments, suggesting a quest for renewal and healing as well as a connection with nature. The sprightly deer, the prophetic goddess Vor, and the healing spruce, all align with Dagaz as symbols of renewal and clarity.