A beautiful painting of Isa, the rune of reflection, depicted through symbols of the goddess Gerd, the eagle, and the alder tree. This is an original artwork made with oil paint and gessoed hardboard by artist Faina Lorah.

Oil on wood 8"x10"
Complimentary black frame
Hardware installed, ready to hang

About ISA

Isa represents ice and signifies a spiritual standstill, often associated with the season of winter. It suggests a time for introspection and reflection, akin to the quiet of a snowy landscape. Isa embodies concepts of holding together, self-control, and concentration.

Gerd, a deity of gardens and fertility, is known for her association with stillness and personal boundaries. Despite her exceptional beauty, she initially rejects the advances of Freyr, demonstrating a sense of self-awareness and introspection. It is only after careful consideration and persuasion from Freyr's messenger, that she agrees to marriage. Her story reflects the importance of inner evaluation before making significant decisions.

The eagle, on which the hawk Vedrfolnir is perched atop the Yggdrasil, symbolizes stillness and calm amidst the chaos of the cosmos. As a bird of prey with a wide perspective, the eagle represents the importance of introspection and broad vision. Eagle eyes can see everything and they wait patiently to make decisions based on a wider view.

Much like the eagle, the alder tree remains calm in a world of chaos. It is unique in that it can survive not only on land, but also in water. In fact, its roots thrive on unsteady land like the ever-changing peat bogs of old. Much like the story of Gerd, the eagle and alder represent the Isa rune in their symbolic power of stillness and introspection.