A beautiful painting of Othala, the rune of devotion, depicted through symbols of the Goddess Sigyn, the salmon, and the daisy. This is an original artwork made with oil paint and gessoed hardboard by artist Faina Lorah.
Oil on wood 8"x10"
Complimentary black frame
Hardware installed, ready to hang
Read about Othala below
About Othala
The Othala rune resembles a fortress, symbolizing property, ownership, and retreat. It signifies rootedness, family ties, and spiritual heritage. Othala is the rune of responsibility, taking matters of home and family into deep consideration.
Sigyn, often considered the goddess of compassion and mercy, is known for her patience and kindness, especially when it comes to her family. She is Loki's wife and mother to their sons, Narfi and Vali. Despite Loki's wrongdoing, Sigyn remains by his side, easing his suffering during his eventual punishment as the God of Mischief.
In Norse mythology, salmon are emblematic of home and belonging. Salmon journey from their birthplace in streams to the vast ocean and back again to spawn, symbolizing the cyclical return to one's origins, mirroring Loki's attempt to return to safety by shape-shifting into a salmon and swimming away. Likewise, the daisy holds significance as a sacred flower, symbolizing concepts of sanctuary and retreat and embodies the idea of home, just as the salmon do. The themes of devotion and longing for family, and a place to call home, connect Sigyn, salmon, and daises to the Othala rune.