

A beautiful painting of Perthro, the rune of mystery, depicted through symbols of the Norse Norns (Urd, Verdande, and Skuld), the spider, and the nightshade plant. This is an original artwork made with oil paint and gessoed hardboard by artist Faina Lorah.

Oil on wood 8"x10"
Complimentary black frame
Hardware installed, ready to hang

ABOUT perthro

Perthro is a mysterious symbol linked the cauldron and the secrets it harboring inside of its dark well. The Perthro rune embodies chance, with past actions shaping the present and future. It signifies birth, wisdom, and creative power. Embracing fate is crucial, ensuring success without unnecessary risks. Perthro may also represent secrecy and hidden actions.

The Norns are three wise women spinners who determine every allotted life span: Urd (Past), Verdande (Present), and Skuld (Future). They live in Asgard near Urd’s Well, tending to the World Tree, Yggdrasil, which holds the universe together.

Spiders are linked to the Norns, the weavers of fate. The Norns spin the thread of fate at birth, marking the limits of one's actions in life. Even the gods are bound by their laws and subject to time. Urd and Verdande represent the Past and Present, while Skuld symbolizes the Future, tearing the web apart.

Belonging to the Solanaceae family, nightshade (also known as black henbane) was significant in Viking and Druid rituals, often associated with witchcraft. Its consumption, particularly in the form of Stinking Henbane tea, can lead to symptoms like increased aggression, unpredictability, and hyperactivity, fostering a dissociative state that could incite wild behavior. The presence of it in mead production and its discovery at gravesites hints at its role in esoteric practices, evoking the unknowable depths of human spirituality and magic.

The magick and mystery of spiders and nightshade correlate with the themes of the Perthro rune. Together, they bind the world in a secret web of fate that only the Norns can untangle.